Tina van Baren made her debut with poetry in 2012 in Hollands Maandblad and has since published in the Revisor, Terras, and Het Liegend Konijn, among others.
As a writer and performer, she is always interested in collaborations & multidisciplinary projects.

Publications e.g.
2024 X Hollands Maandblad 1 | two poems
2023 X Zevenblad, magazine for poetry and visual arts, #5
X X X X | two poems
2023 X Hollands Maandblad 1 | three poems
X Hollands Maandblad 11 | two poems

2020 X Hollands Maandblad 12 | poem
2020 X Hollands Maandblad 6/7 | four poems
2019 X Het Liegend Konijn | three poems
2018 X Iemand ergens iets / Someone somewhere something |
X X X X poem-leporello > design: Salome Schmuki,
X X X X print: Charles Nypels Lab, edition: 100 pc.
X X X X (see photo)
2018 X Goede buren | Dichters in de Prinsentuin | poem
2018 X Het Liegend Konijn | seven-part poem
2017 X Of het niets is | poem > design:
X X X X Salome Schmuki, print: Charles Nypels Lab,
X X X X edition: 100 pc. (watch video on Terras)
2017 X Het Liegend Konijn 1 | two poems
2016 X Het Liegend Konijn 1 | five poems
2015 X Tijdschrift Terras (online) | four poems
2015 X Hollands Maandblad 5 | two poems
2015 X Revisor 8 | five poems
X X X X (see more)

Collaborations e.g.
2019 X Tarek, the (Wounded) Healer & Time Choir -
X X X X Eleni Kamma | script editing & composition
2015 X Yar bana bir eğlence. Notes on parrhesia.
X X X X Eleni Kamma | script montage & editing
2014 X Play it Emin: Walking along the Russian
X X X X Monument at Ayastefanos – Eleni Kamma |
X X X X script montage & editing
X X X X (see more)

Studies e.g.
Schrijversvakschool Amsterdam | creative writing | graduation in poetry '16
East 15 Acting School, London | postgraduate diploma in acting '86